A College Degree Puts You on the Road to a Better Career

A college education opens the doors to a better and more rewarding career. With more effective communication and analytical skills, you can move into a higher pay bracelet, or move up the career ladder faster in your present job. The problem many people face is that with a job and family taking all up all their time and money, college appears out of reach. But many colleges understand this and oRead More…

How To Protect Yourself When Looking For Student Housing

Are You Ready To Ditch The Dorms?
Moving off campus is exciting, because it means that you can finally start to really exercise some new found freedom, away from the constraints of on-campus life. From control over your own food and cooking, to having your own room, being able to decorate and furnish the way you want, and the lack of direct supervision are all huge bonuses when moving off campus.Read More…

What Is a Human Development Degree, and What Can You Do With It?

The question isn’t whether or not you should go back to school to get an undergraduate degree. After all, Americans who had four-year college degrees made a whopping 98% more an hour on average in 2013 than those who didn’t have such a degree. That’s a lot more than you might think. Research shows that not going to college will cost you about half a million dollars, after taking into account averaRead More…

Understanding ABA: 3 Things You Should Know About Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy

Applied Behavior Analysis therapy, or ABA therapy for short, is a scientifically validated way of understanding behavior — the actions, and skills of a person — and how physical and social environments affect it. To help you better understand how autism centers use this approach to help those with special needs, here are a few things you should know. What Is ABA Therapy?
In traditional ABA theRead More…

Get Ahead by Going Back: Why Get Your Degree?

If you don’t yet have a college degree, now might be the time to go back to school. Here’s what you should know: Soon, Post-Secondary Education Will Be Required
Believe it or not, about 60% of jobs will require some form of post-secondary education by 2018. In other words, you’re going to need to have a certificate, a Bachelor’s degree, or some sort of post-high school education just to be able tRead More…

3 of the Most Common Reasons Students Have Trouble Going Back to College

Going back to college can be a lot tougher than most people think. Here are a few of the most common challenges people pursuing higher education face. Not Enough Time.
Earning a four year degree takes a lot of hard work, the sort that requires a lot of time. It’s basically like having a full-time job, which can make things even more difficult for students who already have — and need — a full tiRead More…

Find Out About Affordable MBA Programs

In today’s world, people are more educated than ever before. Colleges and universities around the globe offer the highest quality programs, and millions of students worldwide enter into the workforce with a high level of skill, something that is necessary in the rapidly advancing time we live in. But the problems is that this type of education comes with a hefty price tag. Undergraduate and graduRead More…

Getting Help for a Troubled Teen Daughter

The world is a difficult place for young women. From pressure in the media to the implicit challenges of navigating adolescence, many teens find it difficult to cope with the problems they face every day. Unfortunately, some teen girls who feel overwhelmed and ill-equipped to face those challenges turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. The statistics are heart-breaking:
About one in 200 American giRead More…