Why It?s So Easy for Preschoolers to Learn a Second Language

Homeschool spanish curriculum Kids spanish curriculum Spanish story books

Spanish storybook set

Most parents are not aware that their preschoolers are actually little learning machines. In fact, researchers have found that the brains of very young children are structured to grow and absorb more and more knowledge and information about the world around them. One of the most remarkable aspects of the learning capacity of preschoolers is their linguistic ability. Before the age of five, children have the neurological capacity for language learning, and can absorb second, and even third and fourth languages with ease. A Spanish curriculum for elementary school takes advantage of this ability to give children a skill that will help them throughout their lives.

Language learning ability in preschoolers
Very young children have the innate ability to learn language. Preschoolers can easily learn and absorb the grammar, syntax and vocabulary of a second language. Researchers have found that children who speak two languages find it easier to learn a third. But this ability diminishes as children grow older. Children should begin learning a second language before the age of ten. Before the age of five years is even better.
In many countries, the educational system recognizes this and introduces a second language in the curriculum for children at the age of eight years. This gives them ten to twelve years of exposure to the language. In the U.S., by contrast, foreign languages are only introduced in high school. At this age, the natural language learning ability of children has diminished. And the students have only four years of studying a foreign language.

Benefits of a second language
What are the benefits of a second language? A Spanish curriculum for secondary school gives children a thorough grounding in the second most widely spoken language in the world. Speaking more than one language gives a person a wider outlook on the world, and access to the cultural resources of humanity.
Spanish is the official language of 21 countries, and will be useful to travelers. On the job, too, bilingualism can be an advantage, given the increasing diversity of the workplace. Studies show that workers who speak more than one language can earn up to 20% higher salaries than those who speak only one language.

For children, language learning can be fun
For their first 8 years, learning languages comes naturally to children. A beginning Spanish curriculum teaches the language in the natural manner, through imitation, repetition, songs and games. Spanish storybooks, music and games can all capture the child?s attention, while the grammar and syntax are absorbed subconsciously.
Spanish curriculum for elementary school lessons in fact don?t feel like lessons at all, but like an extension of storytelling or playtime. This duplicates the natural language learning environment, where children hear the language spoken around them and begin to use it through repetition and imitation. Then they can move on to their own creative uses.

Parents, schools and homeschoolers can use a Spanish curriculum for elementary school to give their kids the gift of a second language. Spanish storybook sets and preschool Spanish lessons help children to learn the language in the natural way.

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