International statesman Nelson Mandela once said: ?Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,? and the truth is he was right. Not only can a more educated population bring about positive change in the world, it can also positively change the lives of those who pursue it. From a BA Elementary Education to a Masters in Medical Laboratory Science, the value of a degree cannot be overstated. In terms of career prospects and earning potential graduates tend to be better off than their counterparts without degrees.
In fact, the median annual salary for a person educated to Bachelor?s degree level is $45,500, according to a 2012 Pew Research report, placing it well above the $30,000 in annual earnings for those with only some college education and the $28,000 yearly salary for those who have completed high school. Almost 90% of all Millennials who have completed a college degree, such as a BA Elementary Education or any other college qualification, are employed full-time.
Those with four-year degrees can make as much as 98% more in hourly wages than those without one, with the average being $32.60. In fact, some studies have placed the figure cost for not attending college at over half a million dollars. This sum is based on average additional wages.
Financial reward is not the only benefit of a college degree. Personal fulfillment and achievement as well as our career advantages such as opportunities for promotion can often result from raised education levels, regardless of field. The number of college students is on the rise, with more than 21 million enrolled in 2014, in areas ranging from psychology degrees to BA Elementary Education, or a Master of Business Administration degree. More than 80% of those surveyed said that college had paid off for them.
More mature students can also reap the benefits of higher education by opting for part-time college degrees or those aimed at the adult education market. Such qualifications are often tailored to the meet the needs of a working student body, while still offering all of the benefits of a college degree. Changing the world starts with changing your own position in it and education can make that happen. Embrace the possibility of higher education.