When you have a child who has autism you need to take a special and proactive involvement in their schooling. Schools for children with learning disabilities are one option in terms of autism schools NJ offers. Although many may not be covered through public tax dollars there are some autism schools NJ public tax dollars would cover. Otherwise, if the schools for learning disabilities will not pay for specific autism schools NJ has then the parents can settle for special education schools NJ will pay for perhaps enroll the child in a special needs NJ program that will cater to an autistic child. While we recognize that these autistic children do have needs that are out of the realm of normal for most students, it is important that we find a way to make the situation a cope able one for the parents that are forced to look at autism schools NJ has to offer. This is a situation where autism schools NJ will and will not cover is simply absurd. We must find a way to give an equitable and fair education to all students regardless of handicap or disability. There is a surely a way to fund a special needs school nj students with disabilities would be able to attend.