If you don’t yet have a college degree, now might be the time to go back to school. Here’s what you should know:
Soon, Post-Secondary Education Will Be Required
Believe it or not, about 60% of jobs will require some form of post-secondary education by 2018. In other words, you’re going to need to have a certificate, a Bachelor’s degree, or some sort of post-high school education just to be able to apply to a staggering three out of five jobs. Although you may be comfortable where you are now, what will happen if you lose your job? Or what if you want to move up in the company where you are, but can’t? There’s no time to go back to school like the present.
An Undergraduate Degree Can Help You Earn More
If you have your Bachelor’s degree, you can earn more money. That is a fact. Studies show that college graduates actually earn an average hourly wage of about $32.60, and the average starting salary for someone with a college degree is about $45,000. The average annual earnings of someone who’s just completed high school is about $30,400. If you start earning more now, you’ll be able to pay off whatever debt you may have quicker, and start saving and investing sooner. In other words, you won’t make a ton more money, but you will be able to start going down the right financial road.
There Are Lower Unemployment Rates Amongst College Graduates
The fact of the matter is that employers prefer hiring someone who has a better education. The unemployment rate amongst those with a high school diploma is actually 9.4%, while the unemployment rate amongst those with an Associate’s degree — a two-year degree — is only 6.8%, and amongst those with a Bachelor’s degree, it’s 4.9%.
You won’t regret going back to school. A recent survey found that 83% of all college attendees say earning their degree “has paid off.” Get ahead by going back.
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